This is a site that seeks to explore different mental health issues as it pertains to psych nurses or their patients. These are issues that I do not think get explored in any traditional format so I will do it here. I am a psych nurse currently working. I doRead More →
May is Mental Health Awareness month. It does not normally get too much attention. But this year I am trying to draw attention to it. I am making a mental health awareness day at my church in Fort Myers called Mayday 2016. People need to know that mental health isRead More →
Law Enforcement And The Baker Act
First, before I start this I want to make my admiration of police officers known. They put themselves in the line of danger many times and I am grateful for them. However, I do have to say that I think we require out of our police officers too much. IRead More →
Tragedy In Louisiana
The recent tragedy in Louisiana only underscores for me the problems with mental health in our country. John Houser stood up in a crowded movie theater and shot 11 people with a legally obtained handgun. Two women died from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, 9 haveRead More →
The Tragedy In Charleston
I feel I need to comment on tragedy in Charleston not because it was a mental health issue but precisely because it is not. People are going to try to state that this is one person who was mentally ill who did this act and not the manifestation of racismRead More →
Baker Act
This post will only apply to people living in Florida but there are similar laws in other states for involuntary hospitalization for mental health issues. It is important to understand your state laws concerning this because people’s rights are being taken away. I do not know of any other illnessRead More →
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month
Although you would not know it by the media May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Although many Americans may not realize it 1 in 5 American adults will have a mental health condition in any give n year (Mental Health America, 2015). Another sad fact is that 50% of peopleRead More →
Happy Nurse’s Week
Since I am a nurse it is only fitting that I remind everyone and thank all of the nurses for the work you do out there. Nurse’s Week is always May 6-12 ending on Florence Nightingale’s birthday. This year the theme is ethical practice, quality care. I hope that nursesRead More →
I was reminded at church this morning of a central core concept to my personal view of nursing theory and that is inclusion. Inclusion should be the most important concept when we see a patient. I refer to this more as self worth of the individual. This is not aRead More →